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Ancient Cavemans started writing history by drawing on the caves walls. They depict everyday life style, hunting and rituals. Also mix with all those common stuff we can find rare humanoid figures, some kinds of flying, saucer like objects and other non-explainable markings on the walls.
This cave
painting is from Itolo, Tanzania. Estimated to be up to 29,000 years old. It depicts several disc shaped
This other painting is from
Kolo, Tanzania. Also estimated to be also up to 29,000 years old. It shows four entities surrounding what may be a women. The entities have something around the waist and weird shaped heads. Notice also the entity looking
down from inside some sort of box or object. |
These two images are from France,
the cave of "Pech Merle" near "Le Cabrerets" 17,000 -
15,000 BC. The scene depicts a landscape full of wildlife together with a
number of saucer shaped objects. The objects seem totally out of context. Also
there is a humanoid figure with lines out of the body with really short arms
and a tail.
These petroglyphs were
created thousands of years ago by ancient Indians in the American Southwest. In indian history two saucers collided high in the sky and one landed in the region of Death Valley. Some men arrived to repair the damaged flying machine. The two images depict the ship used by the men who came to repair the damaged machine. In comparing the two
images, the one on the right seems to depict structural damage around the edges
and the bottom. |
Val Camonica, Italy 10,000
BC. This Drawing appears to depict two beings in protective suits with helmets and rays coming out of them. Also they are holding strange
Toro Muerto, Peru. 12,000 -
14,000 years old. These two examples of rock art, Notice the beings have some
sort of halo with rays covering over their heads. |
Tassili, Sahara Desert, North
Africa 6000 BC. In the left image notice the disk hovering in the sky. In both we can see humanoid figures with some sort of suit and helmet, in the left the helmet may have slits for the eyes. On the right we can see some rays
coming from the helmet.
Sego Canyon, Utah. 5,500
BC. Strange looking figures with halos and big eyes. They also seem pretty tall
due to the elongated bodies without upper or lower extremities seen. There is
some kind of snake like figure surrounding them.
Querato, Mexico 5,000 B.C. This
picture is a 7000-year-old petroglyph discovered in the province in 1966. You
can see 4 figures with their arms outstretched below a large oval object in the sky radiating what appear to be beams of light.
Kimberley, Australia
(approximately 5,000 years ago). They are Australian Aborigine cave paintings. Aboriginal myths incorporate the idea of "sky- beings". The Wandjina have been
preserved in a fascinating oral tradition and in a large collection of rock
paintings throughout that region of northern Australia. The indigenous
tribes viewed the Wandjina as "the spirit in the cloud." The paintings shows humanoid figures as representations of clouds. The figures have big black eyes, big heads with small mouths. They can be seen wearing suits with some kind of halo surrounding their heads with rays coming out of them making them looking like they glow floating in the air.
Australia, 1837. These are
illustrations are from the book "Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia 1837, 1838, & 1839” by Lt. Grey. He led
an expedition in the 19th century to some caves near the Glenelg River region
of Kimberley, Northern Australia. This may be be pre-aboriginal. Here we can see more suits, halos, big almond shaped eyes, small mouths, humanoids that seem to glow.
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