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In Sonora, Mexico archaeologists have found an 1,000 year old pre-Hispanic cemetery. Where they found, 25 individuals; 13 have intentional cranial deformation and five also have dental mutilation, cultural practices which are similar to those of pre-Hispanic groups in southern Sinaloa and northern Nayarit, but until now, have not been seen in Sonora. "The area's findings holds unique characteristics because it mixes cultural expressions of groups from the northern part of Mexico such as the use of shells and spiral shells originating from the Gulf of California, with western traditions never before seen in Sonora. With this discovery, the limit of influence of the Mesoamerican people has been shown to be more extensive than what had been registered in Archaeology" said Archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno, director of the investigation project by Arizona State University with the approval of the Council of Archaeology of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), when data was discovered. (excavation season 2012)
Turtle Shell placed over abdomen
Some of the individuals were wearing ornaments such as as bangles, nose rings, earrings, pendants made from shells, also one contained a turtle shell, carefully placed over the abdomen. However, the archaeologists noted that the burials were not accompanied by the expected offerings and containers.
Garcia Moreno said that there is no other site found in Sonora that show similar cranium deformation or dental modification. "The closest cultural groups that had developed this traditions were in the northern part of Sinaloa and the Marismas Nacionales area (south of Sinaloa and north of Nayarit), and they had incorporated into their culture some western and Mesoamerican customs"
"Cranial deformation in Mesoamerican cultures was used to differentiate one social group from another and for ritual purposes, while dental mutilation in cultures such as the Nayarit was seen as a rite of passage into adolescence. This is confirmed by the findings at he Sonora cemetery where the five bodies with dental mutilation are all over 12 years in age" as told by Garcia Moreno.
In the case of this particular cemetery the social differences can't be recognized because all the burials found had the same characteristics. Some of them were wearing ornaments and others not, and only one of the 25 skeletons found was a female. The social distinctions were not found.
Of the 25 skeletons found, 17 were between 5 months and 16 years of age, 8 were adults. Garcia Moreno said the number of infants and pre-pubescents identified may indicate a poor practice of the cranial deformations and death was mostly caused by excessive force in the process of squeezing the skull. The find has been dated to the year 943 CE (Common Era) from sample taken from one skeleton.
Why the cranial deformation was used to differentiate the social classes? Is this associated with this classes wanting to be more "God" like in appearance?. If this is true, then we can associate the form of the cranium, more extended to the back with more cranial vault space to someone that this group saw sometime back in history. This may be why this people adapted as a custom the infant cranial deformation in higher classes to differentiate themselves from others in the community. This customs can be found in many cultures all around the globe, cultures in different parts of the hemispheres that never had contact one with the other. Then why we see the same deformations to simulate the same form of cranium all over the earth? These people were imitating the same person they saw as a powerful, intelligent being that was some kind of role model and was useful to follow and be as close as him as they can. Are this long headed beings the "Gods" of our ancients all over the earth? Did they use the same model to follow because they wanted or they were told to do it for some kind of other purpose?
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By the middle of 1934 in Germany, was created the first experimental circular aircraft, propelled with anti-gravitational effect. By the end of 1934 the first light round aircraft with propulsion system and magnetic impulse steering. It possessed two typical characteristics of UFO, the optical blurring of the contours when accelerating and the colored lights depending on the power of flight. It remained virtually unnoticed by the political leadership of that time. 4 years later the first jet propelled aircraft was created.
Haunebu I, 1939
In the end of 1938 they had constructed the 4th generation of light disk shaped aircrafts (RFZ) to research how disk shaped objects behave on flight. In 1939 the Haunebu I was built, it was the first long distance aircraft. It measure more than 65 feet, in August 1939 it made it's first testing flight.
In 1945 the V7, another light aircraft was tested in the sky, the general characteristics described the V7 as a supersonic helicopter fitted with 12 VMW O 28 turbo engines. In the first fly it reached an altitude of 78,000 feet, on the second test flight it almost reach the 80,000 feet.
The Germans had one saucer shaped aircraft that was capable of 1,200 mph, vertical takeoff, 90 degree changes like a helicopter. They also had another aircraft that could do 2,500 mph with a laser weapon that was capable of penetration 4 inches of armor.
as said by Virgil Armstrong (CIA Agent Rtd.)
Model Haunebu II, one of the Nazi saucer shaped light aircraft
Thule-Vril RFZ "Rundflugzeug" (Round Aircraft) Series: RFZ-1, disc aircraft prototype 1937 RFZ-2, "Fliegende Heisswasserflasche" (Flying Hot Water Bottle) disc aircraft
After the WWII, the operation "Paperclip" took place in Germany, where all the scientific Hi-Tech material were collected by USA personnel. Allegedly used as a early start in USA space technology. In 1969 the first man landed on the moon. Theorist have tie this to all the technology recovered in Germany.
There are several theories of what happened with those aircraft, one is that one of them was send to the bottom of a lake in Austria, others said that they were send somewhere in South America or the Antarctic. Some theories propose that there is a German UFO base in the Antarctic. US Navy launches the biggest military operation (named High Jump) in the Antarctic ice under the command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. This operation included 13 ships, 1 aircraft carrier, 2 seaplane tenders, 6 two-engined R4D transports and 4000 men. The only official statement on the purpose of such a task force is the need for testing "new material under the extreme Antarctic conditions." The force starts up at the established US bases in the Ross Sea, then it moves up the western Antarctic coast heading toward the Northern Antarctic coast. Why is the need for such a big task force in this area? Why did Byrd return to the US in February 1947? Why terminate the expedition so abruptly? The operation was planned and equipped for a full 6-8 month duration. Maybe the operation directed by Admiral Bird of USA in the Antarctic, searched for submarines and German aircrafts that supposedly were hidden?
The are supposed evidence that tell that Admiral Bird found in the Antarctica fresh water lakes with never freezing water, surrounded by areas without any snow. allegedly the Navy planes start to disappear really quickly in the area, also that some of them crashed into invisible barriers and disintegrating in mid flight. As supposedly Admiral Bird told as classified material.
In 1950, Captain C. Moreno, commander of the Argentine Navy, wrote the following report: "In 16 hours. 10 minutes on March 24, the crew of our ship saw in the sky a disk shaped object that was neither an airplane, satellite or a weather balloon" In June and July 1950, followed by a series of observations of supposed UFOs in the sky by Chilean and Argentine population, the Brazilian newspaper O'Estado reported: "The object was in-swept form, its surface flow from red to green. Zigzag machine flying in a westerly direction, changing course and speed several times. The object remained stationary for about 20 minutes at an altitude of 5000 meters in full silence" In September 1950, Officer A. Orrego Chilean Navy photographed a very large object flying inswept form maneuver in the sky of the Chilean Antarctic. [1]
What really happened? What is true about all this aircrafts that are missing? Only time can tell!
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Guitarrero Cave is located in the intermontane Callejo'n de Huaylas Valley (2,500–4,000 m) in the north central highlands of Peru, at an elevation of 2,580 m. Excavations defined two cultural complexes. The earliest,Complex I, is characterized by flakes, scrapers, a tanged triangular bladed projectile point, the remains of deer, rodents, rabbits, and birds. The overlyingComplex IIyielded the same and additional species of animals. Different materials in several forms like: triangular, lanceolate, also other projectile points and artifacts made of wood, bone, and plant fiber. "By dating the textiles themselves, we were able to confirm their antiquity and refine the timing of the early occupation of the Andes highlands,” Jolie said in the report published inCurrent Anthropology. His team used radiocarbon dating technique, accelerated mass spectrometry to date the textiles fragments at between 12,100 and 11,080 years old.
Partially carbonized fragment of a close-twined
bag or cloth.(top right) Opentwined mat or basket
showing organic residue. (bottom)
The textile items include fragments of woven fabrics possibly used for bags, baskets, wall or floor coverings and/or bedding. They were likely left by settlers from lower altitude areas during “periodic forays" into the mountains, the researchers said. “Guitarrero Cave’s location at a lower elevation in a more temperate environment as compared with the high Andean [plain] made it an ideal site for humans to camp and provision themselves for excursions to even higher altitudes,” Jolie and his colleagues write. This textiles fragments have become the oldest examples of this technology in South America and are among the earliest from all of the Americas. The next firmly dated textiles from South America derive from Paloma, also in Peru, dated to as early as 8,800 cal yr BP (calibrated Years before the present), those are similar cordage, netting, bags, twined matting, and clothing made from plant fibers.
Stone Point found at the Cave.
Fragments of knotted cords, possibly from nets, from Quebrada Jaguay, Peru, date to about ∼10,600 cal yr BP and small fish bones, including drum as well as anchovy and marine bird bones dated to ∼12,500 cal yr BP at Quebrada Tacahuay, Peru, further imply the existence of early and sophisticated netting technology in coastal Peru.
Three pieces of rope or string, probably used for binding or lashing, revealed by radiocarbon dating to be as much as 12,1000 years old.
The c14 date and the technical execution of the Guitarrero textiles and cordage show the existence of a highly developed fiber based technology for transport, trapping, hunting, and cooking, continuing to confirm a complex and early date of colonization of the Americas.
Dating by accelerator mass spectrometry of wooden artifacts, cord, and charcoal samples from Guitarrero Cave supports the antiquity of South America's earliest textiles and other perishable remains such as the fire making stick and the woven twine. The dates are consistent with those obtained from C14 counters and leave little doubt about the integrity of the lower preceramic layers and their early cultivated plants.
Fire making stick
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Scientists have discovered that Northern European populations including British, Scandinavians, French, and some Eastern Europeans descend from a mixture of two very different ancestral populations. One of these populations is related to Native Americans.
This discovery helps fill gaps in scientific understanding of both Native American and Northern European ancestry, while providing an explanation for some genetic similarities among what would otherwise seem to be very divergent groups. This research was published in the November 2012 issue of the Genetics Society of America's journal Genetics. [1]
The researchers used a software package called ADMIXTOOLS, this tell if genetic mixture occur and make infering possible, also can be used to obtain age of the mixture. The journal describes the method: "Development of a new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array consisting of 629,433 sites with clearly documented ascertainment that was specifically designed for population genetic analyses and that we genotyped in 934 individuals from 53 diverse populations. To illustrate the methods, we give a number of examples that provide new insights about the history of human
"There is a genetic link between the paleolithic population of Europe and modern Native Americans. The evidence is that the population that crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia into the Americas more than 15,000 years ago was likely related to the ancient population of Europe." as told by Nick Patterson the first author of the journal.
The most striking finding is a clear signal of admixture into northern Europe, with one ancestral population related to present day Basques, Sardinians, northeast Asia population and Americans. This likely reflects a history of admixture between Neolithic migrants and the indigenous Mesolithic population of Europe, consistent with recent analyses of ancient bones from Sweden and the sequencing of the genome of the Tyrolean “Iceman.”
There is another study about the admixture in african population. This tells us: "Despite the widespread study of genetic variation in admixed human populations, such as African-Americans, there has not been an evaluation of the effects of recent admixture on patterns of polymorphism or inferences about population demography. These issues are particularly relevant because estimates of the timing and magnitude of population growth in Africa have differed among previous studies, some of which examined African-American individuals. Here we use simulations and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data collected through direct resequencing and genotyping to investigate these issues. We find that when estimating the current population size and magnitude of recent growth in an ancestral population using the site frequency spectrum (SFS), it is possible to obtain reasonably accurate estimates of the parameters when using samples drawn from the admixed population under certain conditions. We also show that methods for demographic inference that use haplotype patterns are more sensitive to recent admixture than are methods based on the SFS. The analysis of human genetic variation data from the Yoruba people of Ibadan, Nigeria and African-Americans supports the predictions from the simulations. Our results have important implications for the evaluation of previous population genetic studies that have considered African-American individuals as a proxy for individuals from West Africa as well as for future population genetic studies of additional admixed populations." [2]
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Lake Guatavita,
A meteor crater may had created this circular lake. In its surroundings is were around the 16th century the search for el
Dorado started which remains
undiscovered. The ruler on the
civilization near the lake was called El Dorado by the Spanish conquistadors
because the chief was adorned with gold dust, then he will jump into the lake
to wash the gold, so it accumulate on the lake as an offerering to the Gods. They also went to the lake
and throw gold artifacts for the God that lived in the bottom of the lake
Gold may have been searched by the Gods for its properties like: It is an inert material, it doesn’t react with anything, is a great conductor of electricity and a reflector of infrared energy. It
can be used as gold blacked on a spacecraft to reflect the heat.
Lake Guatavita
This is a representation of the "boat" El dorado used to get him into the lake and make the gold offerings , immersing into the lake with his body covered in gold dust.
In 1912 Hartley Knowles led
an excavation on the lake, it’s said that he recovered approximately $20,000 on gold
artifacts. This are some of the artifacts that have been found over the years near and in the lake Guatavita.
The Egyptians believed the
gold was divine, god like material, the flesh of the god. There is a theory that the Egyptians
were capable of manufacturing gold, from the ancient civilizations they were
the one with the most abundance of gold.
Christopher Dunn has a theory were he explain how the pyramid of Gyza was used as a giant machine that after a series of chemical reactions was capable of making gold.
In 1936 after 11 years of
work the body of the Sphinx is finally out of sand. It has 241 feet long &
66 feet high is the largest and oldest statue in the world. It is claimed to be
from 2500 BC, it may be older by the erosions on the stone. In the Sumerians texts there is also
historical writings that depicts sphinxes and other half man half animals stories. This may be a clue that proves genetic testing & manipulation made not
only in humans but also mixing of human and animals genes, like it is suggested in the theory of
Zecharia Sitchin. This
theory explains that the Anunnakis came to earth in search of gold because like
all planets Nibiru (Anunnakis home planet) have undergone climate &
atmospheric changes, that due to nuclear technology &
weapons over time made the atmospheric problems irreversible. Sitchin suggested that they came to earth with the idea of creating a
shield of gold particles to protect Nibiru's atmosphere. This search for gold (In Nibiru gold is
rare) leads Anunnaki to arrive to earth for attaining gold. After a little time mining for gold
they got tired of it and got the idea of making someone to do the dirty job of
extracting the gold. This leads to the genetic testing with the most adavanced
mammal on earth, the homo erectus,
after several mixings of DNA, they mix the homo erectus DNA and the Anunnakis DNA to make the Homo sapiens
as a employee in the gold mining some
300,000 years ago. This is the
missing link between the ape and us humans, as the theory presents.
Ground penetrating radar have
been conducted in the Gyza plateau revealing underground cavities and passages
around and beneath the sphinx. In
the Sphinx paws theorists said is where the halls for records can be found, there is a storage for gold, in its walls there’s even the history of Atlantis, were
alleged gods lived and after Atlatis sunk they came to Egypt around 10,500 BC. They needed to storage for the gold and also all the knowledge they brought. This leads Egyptians to constructing the
Halls of records and maybe the passages below the surface. Who knows what may be hidden in that place and if there is ever going to be found???
29 january, 1953, it is told that Marie Denarnaud had a secret about the city of Rennes-le-Chateau
been above tons of gold. Sadly she had a
stroke and never told the secret to anyone.
The legend of this gold comes from the 5th century, when
after sacking Rome, the warriors made their way to the area of Rennes-Le-Chateau,
then they abandoned the area leaving behind some of the treasures they brought from Rome.
In 1891, a priest was restoring the church, when he discovered something as historians tell, turned the priest into a wealthy man almost
overnight, something that still unknown, some researchers think he founded the gold leaved behind in the 5th century.
The inscription in the
arch of the door reads "Terribilis Est"
that means this place is terrible. In the bible we can find that same thing about the
stairs to the sky that connect the mortals in the earth with the gods in the sky. This vision appeared in a dream Jacob
had during a nap resting his head on a stone, where he saw angels coming down from the sky and angels going up from earth using that stair. Its this Church a portal to other
world, where the “gods” live? Where the Gods and Angels can descend to earth and intervene with the mortals? If that's true, can mortals also find their way to climb from earth to the supposed "heaven"???
Terribilis Est
Coricancha, Cuzco, Peru
The Coricancha (meaning
"Golden Courtyard") used to be an Inca temple a ceremonial complex at
each summer solstice containing multiple stone buildings. There was a sun disc that reflected the sun and bathed the temple in light. During the summer solstice,
the sun still shines directly into a niche where only the Inca chieftain was
permitted to sit. Part of this complex was used as an astronomical observatory.
1559 spanish conquistadors construct the cathedral of Santo Domingo in the
center of cuzco, surrounded by the ruins of the Inca temple. The Ponchao was a
gold disk that the Inca workship, this was in honor of the flying disk that
landed on the feet of the ruler Atagualpa, he had direct contact with the gods
as legends said.
The interior of the
Coricancha was decorated with objects made of silver and gold. All the walls
were covered with plaques of pure gold as historians said.
In 1533 when spanishs overtook the city of cuzco they search the Coricancha looking for the gold. Previous to the search the gold was removed from Corichancha and moved 20 miles from the city, it was throw at the bottom of a nearby lake Puray as theorists said in order to keep the gold away from the spanish.
UFO sightings in Lake
Puray, Peru are believed to be related to supposed gold hidden in the bottom of the lake.
People report seen strange "planes" that actually enter into the lake at night. Sightings
have been reported for hundred of years in this area of Peru. The reports also state that there is a
vortex in the water 20 feet across where the spaceship enter and leaves the lake.
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